Not only the men, the womenfolk also infatuated on the tattoo. Some people consider tattoos to boost the quality of appearance and beautify the body. Some again regard it as a statement of the attitude of rebellion, at least show themselves as human beings who live outside the 'box' normality. First, Adam's tattoo just dominated. Later the women also did not shy tattooed.
Indonesia's interest in womankind against tattoos can be seen from the number of celebrity women who did not hesitate to confess tattooed. Tamara Geraldine have eight tattoos on his body. Melanie Soebono, Rency Milano, Thessa Kaunang, Cathy Sharon, Poppy Sofia, the model also menggandrungi Fahrani tattoos. Karenina are often seen strolling on the catwalk with a scorpion tattoo on his back.
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