Makna Sebuah Tulisan Tato

Di Episode Kali Ini Aku Akan Membahas Tentang ,Makna Sebuah Tulisan Tato,
Coba Di Simak Ya..
T...Tiada Artinya Hidup Aku Tanpa Kamu
A...Akankah Kau Musnahkan Aku
T...Tuhan Tolong Lindungilah Aku
O...Orang Yang Bijaksana Pasti Akan Mengerti Apa Itu Kesenian
Sungguh Kasihan Nasib Si Tato,Semua Orang Menghina,Memaki, Bahkan Mencemoh,
Mulai Sekarang Teman, Lindungilah Dia,Hargailah Dia,Dan Janganlah Di Hina Ok..
Sudah Dulu Ya, Dah...
Sexy Body Tattoos

Symbol Tribal Tattoos

Selebrity Tattoos
New Fairy Tattoos

The word “fairy” comes from the Latin word “fata,” which means fate. This brings to mind the underlying symbolization of destiny. This symbolism of a fairy tattoo can bring to mind passing through different stages of life or it can be a reminder of your youth. Fairies that are found in literature symbolize youthful exuberance and imagination and can mean that you want to keep the child-like qualities of imagination and wonder in your life. Whether you choose a fairy tattoo simply because of its underlying meaning or for its beauty, you will find that the most difficult process will be choosing the fairy that you like best.
Fairies like those that are seen in cartoons can be chosen or you may choose more lifelike fairies like those that are ready about in literature or mythology. You will be delighted with the many different styles of fairies that you can choose from. From flying fairies with their wings outstretched to sitting fairies and more, you can find the right fairy tattoo for your intended look on your body.

Making the decision to have a fairy tattoo applied to your body means that you are ready to take the time needed to make a significant impact upon your body and your life. The fun and whimsy of the fairy, along with the symbolism of youth and having a free spirit can come together to give you a tattoo that will express your own individuality and personality. The colors and style that are available in the selection of fairy tattoos will give your body just the right look.
Whether you choose a fairy tattoo as a reminder of innocence and child-like values or you choose it just for the beauty, you will find that a fairy tattoo can give your body great flair. From a small, intricate fairy tattoo to a larger, more detailed fairy tattoo, you will find that they can make an excellent addition to any part of your body to add a bit of personality and fun to your body.
New Celtic Tattoo Fantastic

The bulk of Celtic tatoo designs and artwork come from Ireland where the history of the Celts is still very strong to this day. In Trinity College Dublin, Ireland you can see lots of documentation in manuscripts on Celtic symbols and heritage. Celtic tatooing reached its peak at about the same time that metalwork and stone work became highly desired.
Celtic knot tatoos are amongst some of the most favorite and most common designs, sporting loops with no end that symbolise a ne’er ending cycle of death and rebirth. There are also Celtic animal tatoo designs as well, which are similar in design to the knot tatoos, although the cords in the design commonly terminate in feet, tails or heads. Unless the person having the tatoo requests an end to the Celtic design to make a spiral then the Celtic knot tatoo design is usually ne’er ending.
The proper meaning of the intricate knots found in Celtic tatoos resists all type of literal translation and its significance is found at a far deeper level. The complexity of the knots shows the persistent crossing of both physical and spiritual elements. The strands and their ne’er ending path are a favorite design for Celtic tatoos, symbolizing life, faith, and love. Used for heritage as well as emotional purposes the Celtic people have used these tatoos for many years.
People who come from a Celtic lineage, Scots, Irish or Welsh, commonly find a Celtic tatoo to be a good way to express their heritage pride. As well as giving tribute to their roots these tatoos help to re-establish pride in their long history. The tatoos arent simple to do, most taking several hours. Unlike other tatoo designs, Celtic tatoos are amongst the toughest designs in the world.
If you come from a Celtic ancestry and have decided to get a Celtic tatoo, the first thing to do is find an artist capable of doing the tatoo. These designs are very challenging and not all tatoo artists can carry them out. Its a good idea to find a tatoo artist who has a history in Celtic designs, as this will ensure the tatoo is made right. The artist who makes the tatoo needs to have an eye for detail and perfect line placement which is a skill that not all tatoo artists possess.
Animals Bull Tattoo Design

New Arabian Tattoo Fantastic

Beautiful Bird Tattoo

Tattoo Contest, Miss Australia

Ulema Tattoo