Native American tattoos offer an endless amount of design options and can display a true homage to the Native American culture. Many tattoos are used just as a status symbol, but more and more tattoos are depicting cultural ties to a person’s heredity, affiliation with some group or club or tribal symbols, such as those found in Native American cultures.
Native American tattoos are gaining in popularity because of the many beautiful drawings and symbols of the Native American cultures where animals and nature are revered. In many Native American cultures there is a belief that everything in the universe has meaning and humans were meant to pay attention and to respect nature. Native American tattoos are a way of having a particular spirit with people at all times, especially in uncertain times when help is needed.
Native American tattoos that depict animals for example may be reminiscent of astrology in that they can represent they type of person you are, based on an animal’s character. One of the most sacred of animals Native Americans revered was the wolf. The wolf is associated with those born between Feb 19-Mar 20. The character of the wolf is said to be emotional and yet gentle except when angered. The wolf is known to be intelligent, cunning and fiercely loyal. Native American tattoos representing the animals of the zodiac is said to have that animal spirit with the person throughout their lives. Other Native American tattoos can depict nature, such as the wind. Many Native Americans believed the wind was a living entity in and of itself.
The Hopi Native Americans are considered ‘the peaceful people’ and have rich symbols anyone loving tattoos would enjoy. The ‘cosmic cross’ symbol, which is a circle with a cross drawn in the middle and circles drawn in each of the four empty areas is known as the Hopi world symbol. The four circles inside the larger circle indicate the four Native American Nations and the bars (or cross inside the circle) represent the directions of north, east, south, and west.
The power of symbolism is great indeed and is a way to get to know ourselves and the world we live in. Native American tattoos are a great way to show individuality and to honor and respect those who fought to live in harmony with nature.
It's all well and good to snigger at "Engrish" -- weird, random Englishoid phrases printed on Japanese garmets and packaging, but check this out: the Chicago Tribune went out and looked at the "Japanese" characters tattooed on five Chicagoans and had them translated, then compared the results with what the bearers thought their ink meant.
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